In our ministry to the young Church, parish leaders and youth ministry volunteers often find themselves caring for more than just the spiritual needs of young people. Whether it is a skinned knee during a track meet or an allergic reaction while on retreat, ministers must always be prepared to assist with medical emergencies.
Thursday, August 1 or Saturday, August 3
(Lunch provided)
The same training will be offered twice to accommodate participant’s schedules. Class size is limited. Therefore, registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis using the link below.
Catalyst Catholic is pleased to partner with ResusciCare, LLC to provide parish leaders and volunteers with basic first aid, CPR, and AED training at a discounted group rate. We will also cover the Indiana Good Samaritan Law and protocols for reporting injury incidents to the Archdiocese of Indianapolis during training.
Participants are asked to wear comfortable clothing and bring a refillable water bottle. Lunch will be provided. Training will be held at the Catalyst Catholic office located on the campus of Mt. St. Francis. (101 St. Anthony Dr. / Mt. St. Francis, IN)
Each parish in the New Albany Deanery will receive three complimentary trainings for the parish youth minister, director of faith formation, and athletic director. Additional staff and volunteers are welcome to register for $75 per person. Please contact your parish staff members to determine if they will be offering an additional discount for your participation.
Registration will close on July 25, 2024.